26th October 2009

More center section

Hours: 2.6 | Posted in Bulkheads

Work sessions are becoming fewer and farther between as the pace of the academic/work year picks up.  Started tonight by removing the control column from the center section bulkhead and setting it aside.  Drilled, deburred, countersunk, spot-primed, and installed the nutplates on the top of the forward and aft bulkhead pieces.  Fit and drilled the cover plate brackets, then deburred the edges and drilled the snap bushing holes and nutplate holes.  These will be fit with the nutplates after priming.  Finished up by fabricating the web stiffeners, drilling and countersinking as appropriate.  There’s a pile of parts that need priming, then the center section can be riveted, at least as far as it goes for now.  I also need to build the 1 7/16″ spacer blocks that are used in the assembly of the center section.

Center section components

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