19th October 2009

Control column assembly

Hours: 2.6 | Posted in Bulkheads

Cut and shaped the brackets that hold the control column to the spar, bolted them in place, then assembled the controls onto the brackets.  Some finesse adjusting required here, as things don’t fit quite right out of the box.  The techniques that are used in the aileron bellcranks are useful here–chucking the brass bushings in the drill press to file them to length, for instance.

Locating all the right washers and such proved interesting as well, and tells me that I really ought to get an organizer or three and put the hardware bags in compartments by type, rather than looking them up by bag number.  For one, there are multiple bags containing the same part (washers or nuts, for instance).  With the assumption that I will eventually perform that organizational task, I’m just using the parts as I come across them in whatever bag, unless the bag is marked for a specific use (eg. tip-up hardware or belt attach bolts).

The directions say that the control column assembly may be removed as a unit…as others before me have noted, this is impossible, since you can’t remove the attach bolts without removing the stick bases first.  Getting all those washers back in there will be fun when it’s installed in the airplane…

Stick brackets shaped & bolted Stick assembly in place Stick assembly in place

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