4th April 2009

TC visit two, and looking ahead…

Hours: 1.0 | Posted in Wings

Tech Counselor Mike Hilger paid a second visit to the project today to look over wing construction and fuel tank internals, before closing up with the back baffles.  Also spent time talking about options & accessories like pitot, AOA, autopilots, and engine/avionics choices.  Mike works at SteinAir and built an RV-6, so is a great and knowledgeable resource.  I expect we’ll be talking more as the project continues and bigger decisions need to be made.

The last TC visit was nearly 2 years ago.  Unfortunately, as slow as progress has been, things will likely slow down even more for the next couple months, as my only real building time occurs on weekends due to work during the daytime, and evening commitments at least 3 of 5 weeknights on average–and I’ve just looked over the schedule through the end of May, and there are many weekends where commitments to one, two, or all three jobs wipe out both Saturday and Sunday…coupled with extra weeknight schedules many weeks.  After clearing the Memorial Day hurdle, though, I switch to a half-time summer schedule at work (two of three jobs are closely tied to the academic year) until late August.  So, I hope to be able to get some solid work in during the summer.  I know there are travel and remodeling plans yet to be completed, though, so we’ll see what actually transpires.  Life moves quickly in this house…

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  1. 1 On April 8th, 2009, Bob Collins said:

    Shoot. Mike was in my hangar last summer when I was working on the canopy fairing and I forgot he’s a tech counselor. I should’ve had him spend more time looking at my project.

    He’s a good guy.