25th June 2012

Tips & alarms

Hours: 2.8 | Posted in Endgame, Wingtips

Deburred, countersunk for, and installed the wingtip aft closeout ribs.  I added a nutplate to each one for securing the hinge ends, though I’m not sure yet exactly what that will look like.  They were installed with a fillet of flox, after roughing up the surface, and blind-riveted in place.  The rivets will be covered with micro filler eventually, so the pops are not a cosmetic issue, and I was able to reverse the ribs and place the smooth side inboard this way.

After that, sat in the seat with the engine manuals and configured the limits and alarms in the EFIS.  Nice evening outside, quite cool (~60°) considering in 36 hours the heat index is predicted to be over 100°…

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