6th March 2012

Spinning around

Hours: 3.0 | Posted in Cowling & Baffles

More work on fitting the spinner; finished the blade cutouts to an even 3/32″ width from the blade.  Set up a ladder to hold a fine-point sharpie while rotating the prop & spinner to ensure that the spinner was centered, then marked a line around the circumference at the rear bulkhead.  Using tape and a rivet fan, spaced 5 holes between each prop blade and drilled  #40.  These will later be enlarged to final size.  Clecoed the spinner in place and checked centering again, before removing and installing the forward spinner bulkhead.  This also requires trimming to clear the blades, and final-sizing the bolt holes to the required 7/16.”  The initial fitting of the spinner is done; the next step will be to add a bead of flox around the inside at the station of the forward bulkhead, to take up any remaining gap and minimize screw stress & vibration.

Cut the nosegear log slot 3″ longer in the lower cowl, to make it possible to clear the 3-blade prop.  I may extend it another inch still.

Sanded down the micro that I’d applied to the voids in the lower cowl nose, and marked lines on the top cowl where I’ll lay up some glass to close the inboard ends of the inlet ramps, to prevent cooling air from being dumped to the lower cowl without doing any cooling work.

No work for the next couple nights due to other commitments…

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