7th January 2012

Looking it in the nose

Hours: 1.5 | Posted in Cowling & Baffles

Received the prop spacer, crush plate, and bolt kit, and test-fit that to the engine.  Deburred the rear spinner bulkhead and test-fit that as well, along with the entire cowling, to see how close I came out on the cowling/spinner fit with my PVC spacers — looks like it will work.

Now that the emp fairing epoxy/micro sludge has finally set up hard, I went to remove the packing tape used to prevent the epoxy from adhering to the aluminum, and found that the plastic layer of the tape peeled off, leaving 90% of the adhesive behind, stuck to the plane.  Ugh.  Acetone doesn’t do anything besides make it gummy and smear it all over, so I’ll have to pick up some other solvents from the store and see what will remove it.  It doesn’t scrape well, but mechanical rubbing (with a finger) removes it slowly in little balls.  Clearly, some better tape is in order for future layups.

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