1st November 2010

One down, one to go

Hours: 1.2 | Posted in Wing & Tail Joins

Another attempt to bend the fuel tank attach brackets; clamped the first one tight in the vise using a radiused hardwood block as a sort of mandrel, following the lead of a few who have gone before.  Wailed on that sucker with a big hammer and got about half the required bend; further whacking only served to flex it down into the top of the vise and gouge it up.  Bugger.  Tried soemething different on the second one: used some bits of aluminum angle to fix it in between the vise jaws, with one leg on each jaw, and slowly cranked down.  A couple tries had the bend spot on.  No more material left that’s big enough to make another bracket to replace the gouged up one, so that’ll have to be ordered from Van’s (this being part of the stuff that holds the wing on…).  What’s one more shipping delay, right?

In happier news…the seats arrived this morning!  I was almost out the door for work when the UPS truck pulled up, and offloaded a couple big boxes.  There they sat while I put in a day’s work, and tonight we popped them out to admire.  They turned out nicely, I think.  Back in the box for now for safekeeping.

Lousy picture of a nice seat

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