15th August 2010

Fiddling with the canopy

Hours: 2.2 | Posted in Canopy & Frame

A short session this afternoon, in which I was able to get the canopy stops adjusted and file the skins as necessary to allow the canopy frame to open without catching skins.  With the lift struts installed, it’s somehow quite satisfying to open and close it.  With everything playing nice, the forward top skin was clecoed fully down to provide a solid forward structure.

All that done, we lifted the canopy out of the crate and set it atop the fuselage.  And there it sat, while I stared at it for awhile, pondering the why and how of trimming the bubble.  I still have not found a good “guide to cutting” from one who has gone before — there’s plenty written on how to cut or not cut, and the merits of various tools, but precious little on what gets cut off, the sequence of trimming, and the like.  More research ensues…temps in the low 70′s today, maybe it will warm up at the end of the week.

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