6th August 2010

Canopy frame bits

Hours: 3.5 | Posted in Canopy & Frame

A few more canopy frame tasks tonight — fabricated the wedges that go where the side rails join to the front weldment, along with the nutplate plates for securing the aft lift strut mounts.  Drilled the wedges to the frame, then drilled the strut mounts to the canopy decks.  Playing with the geometry, I discovered that the 1/8″ inboard offset I built into the frame (for Sikaflex) causes some trouble with the lift struts in the plans orientation (with the ball stud on the outboard side of the mount), so I removed the two spacers from each side, and placed the ball studs on the inboard side.  It looks like it should work this way.  (I later saw that the Flyvans.com guys made the same swap while fitting their canopy.)

Canopy frame wedges Nutplate plate for lift strut mount Lift strut mount, per plans Lift strut mount, reversed

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