2nd July 2010

Roll bar fabrication

Hours: 3.2 | Posted in Cabin & Interior

Started work on the roll bar (aka cabin frame) today.  Laid out and cut all the angle pieces and plates necessary, and figured out how it all comes together on the fuselage.  With those pieces at the ready, I pulled out the roll bar channels and designated them as fore/aft left/right for reference.  I marked out guide lines at the proper dimensions on the workbench, and went to work fitting.  I had to trim a bit from the inboard top end of each side to get the width correct; once that was done, the splice plate was drilled in place.  With the whole thing clamped and clecoed to the bench, I marked the top and bottom strips and drilled them in place, starting in the middle and working out, clamping between each drilled hole.  The angle drill attachment was necessary here, because of the proximity to the benchtop.  After both strips were drilled to the aft channels, they were removed for a quick deburring and chip removal, with the thought that it would allow for a better fit and more accurate drilling when the forward channels are added tomorrow.

Drilling splice plate Drilling bottom join strip Bottom joim strip drilled to aft channel Aft channels drilled to join strips

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