Trim tab done
Hours: 1.7 | Posted in ElevatorsAs planned, I was able to rivet, epoxy, and clamp the trim tab this morning. It’s weighted down to the flat table while the epoxy sets. The package claimed 30 minute set, 7 hours to handle, and full cure in 24 hours–which will be about when I next have time to play with it. I also riveted the hinge to the elevator, bent the pin, and drilled the safety wire hole in the rib. Just a few things left to finish the tail…attaching the elevator weights, installing the trim motor, and fiberglass.
I did find a bit of light corrosion starting at the edges of the trim tab when the plastic was removed for riveting, so that will have to be polished off. This is a “known issue” with leaving the plastic on; one of my next steps will be to pull the plastic off all the finished empennage parts, since they’re pretty much done being moved about, and won’t need the scratch protection.