Tailcone riveting
Hours: 5.5 | Posted in Aft FuselageRiveted the two aft bulkheads to the tailcone skin, then clecoed the entire tailcone together. Set a rivet at each bulkhead/stringer/skin junction (so, 4 places per bulkhead) before flipping the tailcone upside down on sawhorses for riveting. Allison graciously drove all the bottom rivets I couldn’t reach solo, while I bucked from inside the tailcone. After that was done, we flipped it back right-side-up, and I continued riveting; ended the night with about half of the right side done. Should be able to finish this up tomorrow night. Space in the shop getting rather tight now with two cars, garden tractor with snowblower, mower deck, generator, wing cart, workbench, and tailcone all competing for floor space…